Students Entering Grades 1 - 2

2021 Verification Form - Due Friday, September 17th

Verify your child's summer learning activities by completing this form and your child will be invited to a celebration hosted by the school principal at the beginning of the new school year.

Summer Learning Activities

Read to your child every day. Children love to hear their favorite stories over and over again. Discuss the books after you have read them.

Decorate a journal and write or draw about your summer fun and the books you are reading.

Write a story with all of the members of your family as characters.

Ask your family to name their favorite things and write down their answers.

Go on a treasure hunt for words: create a list of the words to find.

Play restaurant: make a menu, take orders, and write out a ticket.

Talk about math. (i.e. We have 2 children and 2 adults coming to dinner. How many places should we set at the table?)

Play games that involve counting.

Practice math facts. (Addition and subtraction of single digit numbers i.e. 2+7)